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Tomato Plants

Q.Over Watered Garden

Anonymous added on July 15, 2011 | Answered

I planted for my mother a small garden about a couple months ago (2 green pepper plants and 4 tomato plants). Recently there has been 2 days of intense rain, and as a result the plants’ (particularly the tomato plants) leaves are drooping. The pepper plants don’t seem to have been that affected by the overwatering. My question is, how do I revive the tomato plants or is it too late? We noticed the problem yesterday, and today they still look droopy, but they are standing up a little straighter than yesterday.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 16, 2011

If the plants are still drooping, it may be that they have a disease called wilt. Rainfall and watering makes it advance faster. If the plants were simply overwatered, they should have recovered by now and should be fine. Here is more information on wilt, in case you need it:

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