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Boston Fern Plants

Q.outside hanging Boston fern

Zone southern illinois | mlw6608 added on July 1, 2014 | Answered

I’ve either let my fern get too dry, or maybe too much sun, but one of my ferns has leaves coming up out of the center turning brown and it’s not as lush as the other one. How can I fix it? I hang them on my back patio. One side gets more sun than the other but I switch them every  time  I watered them. How can I get it healthy again? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 1, 2014

If I were there, I'd take your ferns down and examine the roots first, to make sure there's not a rot going on in the browning one. If the roots are okay, I'd try getting more water into the plants -- maybe soaking them in a bucket instead of just pouring water in. Here are some more tips on Boston fern growing: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/boston-fern/boston-fern-care.htm

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