Q.Outside 30 Yr Old Yucca Tree Failing This Year
Leaves yellowing and dropping quite soon after new growth, it is in a windy, full sun position on the north coast of Devon. It has rocky slatey ground and not much soil. What can I feed him to stop a total demise, or has he reached the end of his life? (assuming it’s a male tree!!)
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is natural for the lower, older leaves to yellow but new growth should not. Has there been a lot of rain lately? If not, it may have an insect problem. I see some white spots on the leaves but can't get a good look. Try spraying the leaves with water if you can reach. I don't think it is the age, because some yuccas can live hundreds of years. A light application of a balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) may help. Here is more: