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Avocado Trees

Q.Outdoor potted avocado tree

Zone North East England | Judith Lambert added on March 22, 2015 | Answered

The tree is three years old and three foot high. The leaves have gone brown over the winter. What can I do to revive the plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 22, 2015

Was the potted tree brought inside for the winter or left outside? If it was left outside, it may have suffered a cold injury because avocado trees do poorly where freezing temperatures may occur. You can read more about cold injury and learn about the prescribed treatment at the following link:


If the tree was brought inside over winter, where was it located? Avocado trees need to be in a location where they receive bright light. Also - is it possible that maybe your tree was over or under-watered (feel the soil - is it damp/soggy or dry to the touch?)?

For more information about growing avocado trees in containers, please visit the following link:

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