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Q.Outdoor planting area question

Zone Central Indiana | bcatkins2 added on September 4, 2018 | Answered

I have several natural vines in plants that are cluttering my outdoor planting area. Attached are some pics and they are overtaking the yard and sidewalk. I think I just want to get rid of them there’s just too much stuff I moved into this house last Christmas and it was nice to start off with but they’re overtaking everything. What’s the best way to dig them up and just start over with a fresh planting area? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2018

All of that was planted, but all of that is highly invasive. You will have to scorch that portion of garden plot. Either with fire, or boiling water. Even chemicals can help, but there are less harmful ways. Dig up everything then pour boiling water over it again. It will still try to come back but you will be able to control it easier at that point.

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