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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Outdoor container planting

Zone Redford, Michigan | Lee Dodd added on May 15, 2017 | Answered

Hello – love your webpage! Thank you for all your work.
Every year I plant lots of annuals in garden pots and some veggies too (mostly because our dog plows thru anything I have in the ground). Should I put some layer of mulch on with them, such as grass clippings. I actually have in years past but I don’t know if it was any benefit to them. I really don’t want to use bagged mulch. Just wanted to know your opinion. Thank you again :*)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2017

If you have used a technique in the past with good results, by all means continue!

Grass clippings do increase heat, keep weeds down and will add nitrogen to soil.
Excess nitrogen can lead to lush foliage and little flowering, so if you have issues with plants not flowering, this could be the cause.

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