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Zoysia Grass

Q.Zoysia losing body

Zone Northern outskirts of San Antonio | Not Bob Webster added on March 15, 2015 | Answered

Our zoysia grass is losing its body in shaded areas with very little soil beneath. It is mostly rock base below. Non shaded area is doing well. Does it need more soil or compost application and much more watering? The rest of the lawn is doing well enough even though we are in the early spring and the overall lawn is not yet greening up. This area in question has lost most of its body and is showing only stringy, leafless stems. This area is mostly shaded in the mornings and up to early afternoon. Not sure which variety of zoysia it is.

As mentioned earlier, this area of the county is mostly rocky, and our overall lawn has no more than three inches of soil. Should have at least 6″ were told. Should we add more soil or compost at this time, and additional water than our allotted once per week with two applications per day between 7am-11am, and 7pm-11pm and with about 20 minutes per zone over 6 zones? Will try to upload pics later if needed. Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 16, 2015

I think you may have answered most of your issues in your first sentence. If your zoysia is doing well in the more sunny part of your yard, and it's struggling in the shady area--it's safe to say this could be a large part of the issue.

With the more shallow soil depth, it is very important that you also are watering enough. I would recommend some additional watering in the areas that are struggling.

A soil test would also be a great way to decide what the sod may be lacking, to correctly fertilize your lawn.

Here is a link to help you find your closest extension office.


Also a link about zoysia care.


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