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Jade Plants

Q.Our very old Jade Plant

Zone Coastal side of central California. Closer to the ocean but not inland. North of Santa Barbara | Anonymous added on June 15, 2016 | Answered

We have had a jade plant in a pot on our patio for probably 23 years. It has now grown so huge that the pot is cracking. The patio has a solid overhang and it is in indirect sun. I have taken some of the leaves and stalks off and transplanted those. They took off great! Now we have to tackle this huge “mother” part of the plant! 🙂 Should we separate it stalk by stalk, or just cut off some of the newer growth to start new plants? We could have a jade forest! We don’t know if we should just throw out the main stalks or just replant those with the new growth. We are trying to thin it all out.

Since we will have many smaller and newer plants, we are thinking of moving those up to the front of the house (north) under an oak tree, so it is in partial shade, partial sun. Do you have thought as too how best to handle this at this point? It seems pretty healthy.

Thank you,
Gail Sas

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2016

Congratulations on such a great plant life!
Here are a few links, one with good pruning instructions.
Remember the mother plant may be stressed and susceptible to insects and disease.



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