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Hyacinth Plant

Q.seedling petunias are now yellowing

Zone Zone 4-5 ,nebraska | Isacksonrd added on March 31, 2015 | Answered

Our seedling petunias have been transplanted but are now yellowing on the leaves. Too wet, need to fertilize, more heat? It looks like a yellowing you see in soil that is the wrong pH. We have a small greenhouse and it can go there, but it gets 90 degrees in there or more. Help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 31, 2015

There are a number of reasons why your seedlings may be yellowing:

* Poor soil drainage - your petunias may be waterlogged. Is the ground really wet/damp/soggy? Soil needs to be well-draining. Loose, loamy soils are best to plant in.
* Planted too deep - how deep did you plant your petunias? If they are planted too deep, they will have difficulty absorbing water. When transplanting petunias, you should maintain the same soil level the plant experienced in the pot.
* How much sun are the petunias getting? Petunias do best when they get upwards of 6 hours of sun a day
* Have you fertilized? Care of petunias includes regular fertilization with a balanced, water soluble fertilizer designed for blooming plants. The recommended pH of the soil is 6.0 to 7.0.

For more information on growing petunias, please visit the following link:

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