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Pittosporum Plants

Q.Our pittosporum has foamy canker (we live in Cloverdale, Ca. can you recommend a treatment?

Zone Cloverdale, Ca. 95425 | Anonymous added on October 9, 2019 | Answered

Tree is 15 years old; tree looks healthy otherwise. We would like to not have to remove the tree/shrub if at all possible. Are there any anti-fungal treatments we can use?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2019

In Pittosporum, foamy canker is usually an alchoholic flux that is a result of water deficit/drought stress or other environmental stress factors. It is usually not a pathogenic disease condition and is not a killer by itself or reason to remove the tree. Although the stress factors that are creating susceptibility to the alcoholic flux could be serious enough to cause decline and mortality.

"Providing plants with proper cultural care and preventing injuries to bark may help to prevent foamy canker."



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