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Orange Trees

Q.Ornamental Orange Tree

Zone 21210 | Aepulver@gmail.com added on August 9, 2017 | Answered

My 44 year old ornamental orange tree has gotten some parasite this summer that I cannot identify. I need someone to identify the organism and prescribe a treatment. I live in Baltimore. The tree is outside from late June through September.

There are branches of the tree that do not seem to be affected (yet). The tree’s fruit does not seem to be affected. The tree flowered and new fruit is growing.The tree was fertilized this summer .(fertilizer for citrus trees) and I have been spraying it was horticultural soap.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2017

I can't identify without an image of the pest.


You can also take samples to your County Extension Office, they can help you identify the issue.

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