Q.Origin of a shower of resin globules form a gum tree
About a month ago my car became covered in sand-grain sized spheres [largely – examined under microscope]of a resinous material.
Said to resinous as under dissecting microscope, the globules had a hard flexible ‘skin’ and viscous interior.
The car was under the trees as shown [esp the gum].
Is this resin?
is it associated with flowering or … ?
Where may I read more of this phenomenon please?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like you are noticing why these are called Gum trees! I would advise not parking anywhere near any sap exuding specimens. They will strip paint.
Did you happen to notice any bacteria associated with the globules? The resin should not contain a copious amount of microbial life, so any instances should be noted to be a part of the cause of such excretions.