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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Oregano plant doesn’t seem to be growing

Zone Brooklyn, NY | sparkie added on July 28, 2016 | Answered

I got a little oregano shoot with roots from a neighbor about a month ago. I planted it in a planter with a built-in water drainer. I placed it in direct sun about a week ago and it burned the top leaves of the plant so I moved it back in the shade. I live in a NY apartment with a balcony so the oregano has been moved to a spot where the sun doesn’t reach but I’m afraid to put it back in a direct sun spot because I don’t want to burn the entire plant like what happened with the top leaves that burned. I’ve read that oregano grows really well and tends to take over but my plant doesn’t seem like it’s growing at the rate it should. Please advise. Picture of the oregano plant in question is attached.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2016

Oregano will pretty much grow anywhere indoors or out, as long as there is enough heat and light. Don't over water the plant. Only water when the compost is dry. If the young plant is in full 30 degree heat it might be difficult to regulate the watering. Keep in partial sunlight until the plant becomes more mature.

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