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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Columbus, OH | Athelas7 added on July 21, 2016 | Answered

My miniature phalaenopsis orchid is in trouble! It’s been very healthy for a full year, with lovely green leaves and roots, but I very gently bumped the leaves today while watering today, and they all fell off in one clump! Upon examination, the spot where they connected to the roots is moist and looking rotted. Some of the roots on the top area are paling in color and turning pulpy, and there’s an interesting white powder-like substance on one of them. I hate to let a plant die, so if I can do anything to save it, please give me instruction!

Thanks so much!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2016

This sounds like a bacterial rot.
It may be beyond treatment from your description.
With sterile tools you can trim the dead and mushy roots.
I would then repot the orchid in clean potting medium.

The links below have more information.


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