Q.Orchid Growing
I purchased two Orchids this summer and they bloomed beautifully. Now the blooms are gone. I need to know: 1. Do I cut the stem or leave it? Have read that sometimes the old stem will rebloom. 2.When do I fertilize the orchids? 3. Do I leave the plants in the same pot that they came in? 4/ What fertilizer do I use for them. Is there a special time to “force their blooms” in the spring with fertilizer? If so, when and how much. As you can see from my questions, I don’t know much about orchids, but lov e them and want to be able to continue to grow them with blooms. Thanks so much for your help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I've always read to leave the stems. You can leave it in the pots if it doesn't seem like it has overgrown the container. Here are some articles that will answer your care questions: