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Orchid Plants

Q.Orchid care

Zone Evanston, IL 60201? | Anneryan added on August 15, 2016 | Answered

My indoor orchid leaves seem dehydrated. They are not as plump and are forming ridges. I keep the plant well watered, but it is in a clay pot. Could the pot be absorbing the water so the plant gets none? I have also tried spraying the leaves with water. Any insight or guidance you can offer would be helpful.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 16, 2016

Yes, plants in clay pots do tend to dry out more quickly and need watering more often. You can still be successful with a clay pot though. You could try increasing the humidity in the air around the orchid. Orchids are also sensitive to water quality since many species don't grow in soil and are adapted to relying on pure rainwater and mist in the air.

Here is some more information on watering orchids:



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