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Q.rose bushes with weak bendy stems that fall off

Zone manchester | cathkh40 added on May 25, 2012 | Answered

One of my rose bushes has weak bendy stems that just fall off. Two more bushes in the same bed are unaffected.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 22, 2013

Try trimming it. Immediately it will not be favorable because you will miss out on many of the flowers, but over time it will help create a more compact, stocky bush. I have also had a lot of success with under-watering the plants during the flowering season. It makes the buds smaller and will take some weight off of it. To paraphrase what roseman said, rose bushes get sturdier with age. Be patient and your plant will make it! Good Luck and Happy Growing!


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Answered on May 28, 2012

I do not find anything in my books or on any of my resources that tells me of reported consistent problems with weak stems on that rosebush. I stick by giving the rosebush the super phosphate and muriate of potash. If this rosebush is a young bush, less than 4 years old, it should get better with time. If it is an older established bush and has had this problem every year, well, then it may be time to replace it with another one. Just because a rosebush has the same name does not mean that the another rosebush of that name will perform the same. I have seen this in my rosebeds and in the rose beds of my mother and grandmothers.

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Answered on May 27, 2012

its called ,You are my sunshine,

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Answered on May 27, 2012

There are some hybrid tea rosebushes that seem to always have weaker stems and the blooms nod badly. What is the name of your hybrid tea rosebush that is having the problem? I had a Grandiflora rosebush that did this all the time no matter what I did, it just would not get much better. It was named Lagerfeld.

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Answered on May 26, 2012

thanks roseman,my rose is a hybrid rose,the stems are weak and bendy before it comes into bud,but i will try the phosphate and potash.

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Answered on May 26, 2012

Some shrub roses have weak stems and with the weight of a full load of blooms, they can break and fall off. I recommend removing some of the buds prior to them blooming to help with this. You can also give the rosebushes some super phosphate and muriate of potash to help strengthen the canes/stems.

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