Q.Only The Center Branch Seems To Send Off Shoots? And Those Are More Wispy Than The Other Branches? Is There A Way To Prune To Encou
rage more global growth? I have a pencil cactus now for the last three years. The main plant has not really grown much. However, the middle trunk shoots off long wispier branches. This is the only new growth. Is there a way to prune the other original branches to encourage growth as well?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Pencil cactus doesn't really need pruning. It will branch out on its own. If it becomes too large, however, you can cut it back, but be careful of the toxic sap it exudes. You can root any cuttings you take.
It may need more light, or if inside, turn it weekly so all sides get sun. They do put out little wispy "leaves" but those tend to disappear after a while.
Here is how to care for your pencil cactus: