Q.oleaner trimming
I live in Alamo, CA where the summers are very hot & it gets below freezing sometimes in winter, zone 9. I have oleanders around my entire lot (for privacy)–they’re probably 20 ft. tall at present & I need to trim them down every 4 years or so when they get too tall, just so they bloom on the top 1/3rd–I like them tall & so do my neighbors! I was thinking of pruning them back to about 8 ft tall, now in June–because I have gotten a great price, while the tree people are doing work in my area. They’ll only be in this area another couple days. (I’ve lived here 35 yrs & have done this every 4 years or so). Can I hv it done now (they’re blooming, & will bloom into Fall)? I’m going to have to bite the bullet sometime, & right now I can have it done for a g-r-e-a-t price. Thank you sooo much! Bonnie
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