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Christmas Cactus Plants

Q.Old Christmas Cactus

Anonymous added on February 4, 2014 | Answered

I have a very old Christmas cactus that has never been pruned. Oddly, it has no segments and the fronds are somewhat triangular in shape. It also has some that are round, about half inch in diameter. Is this a different type of Christmas cactus? How do I trim it when it has no segments?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 4, 2014

Actually, I don not think that you have a Christmas cactus, but rather one of its close relatives, who are amusingly grouped together as holiday cactus as the different kinds are named after the holidays that occur around when they bloom. Would it be possible for you to send a picture so that we can properly identify it? If not, could you let us know when it blooms for you, as this may help us identify what kind it is.

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