Q.Ocotillo doesn’t flower
We have 2 ocotillo plants that we planted 3 years ago and they have never flowered. They leaf out fully, but that’s all. What are we doing wrong? One plant is only about 2 foot tall, but the other is over 6 ft.
Just a thought, but have you pruned your ocotillo at all? Pruning destroys the tips and hinders flowering.
Are both plants receiving full sun? How often do you water them? I know that ocotillos leaf out after receiving significant moisture so I was just wondering if that was due to your watering schedule or natural precipitation.
It can take 2-3 years for a transplant to establish itself well enough to begin leafing out because much of the root system of an ocotillo is destroyed when it is removed from the desert. The presence of leaves, however, is not really a good barometer of your ocotillo's capacity to bloom because an ocotillo can bloom without leaves.
Lastly, it may not be all that unusual for your two ocotillos to be growing/behaving differently. They are said to be plants that are very individual in nature. I stumbled upon cases where ocotillo owners experienced no consistency amongst ocotillos planted in the same location.
Though it can take upwards of 2 years for an Ocotillo to bloom, yours have been in the ground longer.
Ocotillo also need water to bloom. With uneven growth between your 2 plants, perhaps they are not receiving adequate water.
Were both your plants placed in the soil at the same level?
Though insect infestation is rare, it would be good to inspect your plants carefully.
With your plants leafing out, I do think you may just need more water and patience.
Here is a link to help you.