Q.oak leaf hydrangea.
been in the ground about 6 years and been beautiful. now it’s a bit leggy
And it’s just filling out from winter but looking leggy and what about
all the shoots coming up from the ground. Should I cut them of or leave alone?
I started with one bush and now have 2 bushes. Also, Im still confused about
pruning. some say leave it alone and others say cut old wood. i’m not sure what is old wood.
Love an answer. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Don't cut the new shoots - this is how the plant regenerates itself. Remove any older stems smaller than a pencil, but if you remove all the old wood you may not get flowers this year. When a shrub blooms on old wood it just means the flower buds are formed during the previous season. Here's a helpful article: