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Oakleaf Hydrangea

Q.Oak leaf Hydrangea

Zone 46072 | Anonymous added on May 6, 2019 | Answered

Hello, I have 4 oak leaf hydrangeas that I purchased last spring. They were in the ground from June until November. We moved and wanted to take the chance and dug them up. I placed them in large pots after they lost all their leaves. I have done a scratch test on the twigs and see green. Good sign, I believe. Now in early May they aren’t budding or showing any new growth. Do I need to trim on them or leave them be? We have made an offer on a house, so hopefully I can get them into the ground soon. Or should I do that now at our rental? Thanks so much for the help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 6, 2019

The buds that become striking oakleaf flowers form on stems in the summer before you enjoy those blooms. Always prune oakleaf hydrangeas immediately after they finish flowering, before next year's buds can form. Wait too long and you may prune away all the flower buds you're hoping for.
Give them more time to wake up.


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