The harsh summer seemed to have dried my oak out but now I notice that all the leaves are brown and I can’t get it to push out new leaves no matter how much I water it. I have one 20 feet away that has one year on it and it has leaves with no watering. Something is up. Do I dig it up? Do I buy fertilizer or trim it up? The tips of it are dry but I can still bend some of the branches. It is only about 11 ft tall, second year in the ground. The smaller one was mowed over but still lived but has been in the ground at least a year longer so the roots are probably deeper. I know they are really hard to kill, so what’s up?
The tree may have dropped leaves or needed to reserve it's energy in the heat.
Is the soil draining to much so the roots can't take up the water?
Could the soil be holding water and the roots sitting in soggy water? This can cause root rot.
You will need to determine the soil condition and moisture level, this is likely the issue.
Disease or insects should also be inspected for on the plants.