Q.nut grass
We have nut grass or sedge in two lawn areas and three garden beds. I grow a lot of food for us and several other families and do it all organically. So far I have tried digging out the soil very deeply and sifting it but the nut grass comes back within a week thicker than ever. How do I eradicate it?
Ugh, this is THE hardest weed to get rid of in my book...best thing is to stay on top of pulling it up, making sure you get the root, bc it spreads BY root, and pull it up as soon as you can. its going to take a while to get rid of it all. Problem is by the time its big enough to pull it up, the roots have spread too. Its a tough battle. is it localized enough that you can try digging it up with a spade.
Digging and using a selective herbicide are the best chances of controlling.