Q.Now What?
this is my 3rd year of gardening (this time) I have done a lot of work up till now, but want an easy way. I am unsure what to do,,, all soil has been turned over and new added, how do I begin this year? test soil? judt plant without thinking tpo much? wait and see what it looks like in a month or so> I see no signs of life yet just wait? I am starting late in life and want to sit and see something I am concerned causd maybe if I do nothing nothingwill happen if I go ahead and plant tons of flowers I may regret the money I spent.. mh
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are several tests that I would have done, so that you know exactly what the condition of the soil is. These articles will help you to get started:
Here is an article that will help you to build a sustainable garden soil: