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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Non-Producing Pole Bean Plants

Anonymous added on August 7, 2011 | Answered

I’m hoping you might be able to give me an idea as to why my Livingston Seed Co. ‘blue lake pole stringless FMI’ pole bean plants (which have now been planted for over 60 days and have a wealth of leaves and vines) are not producing even one single bean thus far. They are planted in an area that has an abundance of sun, the soil has been well composted and fertilized, and watered at least on a weekly basis. And yet, they have failed to produce even one single bean! Any help, guidance, or solution you may offer would be very greatly appreciated!! (I also had a huge failure-rate with other Livingston Seed Co. beans (bush variety) this year as well: over 9 packages of seeds planted/’maybe’ one quart of beans.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 8, 2011

I would try giving them some bone meal to give them the phosphorous they need to bloom and fruit.

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