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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Non Flowering Hydrangea

Anonymous added on August 14, 2011 | Answered

I have 6 hydrangea bushes (large mopheads) in the same garden bed and exactly the same soil conditions and under the same watering conditions. Three are in full sun and three are in partial sun. All six have been in the bed for three years. Two of the bushes in the partial sun flower and one of the bushes in the sun flowers. The others don’t. They have never been cut back. The growth is on the old stems. They have not been caught in a freeze. Only the dead branches were taken off. There is no sign of insect or leaf damage. In fact, the leaves of the non-flowering plants are beautiful. The soil has a lot of compost in it and it is mulched. Why don’t all the plants flower? What can I do? Any help is appreciated. As I said they are all in the same beds. In fact, some are right next to each other.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 14, 2011
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