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Houseplant Pest Control

Q.no-spray pest control

Anonymous added on August 27, 2015 | Answered

Could you advise a no-spray pest control? I have some indoor plants that are bushy and are very hard to spray under the leaves. I tried but in 2-3 weeks the bugs come back, as not all leaves have been sprayed. Is there anything I can use to water the plant with thta will kill these bugs? Thank you 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2015

Try neem oil. It is a systemic pest killer, so it gets into the plant and kills any bugs that feed on the plant. It is helpful to spray some on the leaves, but you don't need to get it everywhere like with other pesticides. It should also work if you put it in the water that you give the plant.

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