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Lawn Maintenance

Q.No Mow Grass Mix

Zone 18940 | niklex8 added on June 25, 2020 | Answered

I live in eastern PA and am planning to hire a professional company to plant no-mow grass mix. It’ll cost $4000. Is it worth it in a sense that: 1. I won’t need to mow it more than a couple of times a year 2. I won’t have to weed it after the first year or two 3. the lawn will look decent (i.e. not unkempt). For the price, the company will: – kill all establish lawn and weeds with round up; – regrade and remove debris from this process; – install screened topsoil – slit seed the yard using a no-mow lawn seed mix – apply fertilizer and lime as per specs – weed control in spring/summer of the following year

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2020

Yes, this is quite a viable option. Here is an article that will offer you more infomration:


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