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Fig Tree

Q.No Figs For Years

Zone 11961 | toybears added on June 22, 2020 | Answered

We purchased a fig tree about 24 years ago that flourished and produced fruit. When we moved to our new home, we took the fig tree with us. The tree was doing good for a few years with bountiful fruit. For the past 15 years the tree produces no fruit. I’ve split the tree into about a dozen sections and planted then in various locations around our yard. No fruit. I stopped all fertilizers. I removed all the suckers. Someone told me to be rough with it and beat it with a newspaper… I chopped up thru the roots about 2′ from the plant. I thinned out the multiple branches. This past year I wrapped the plants to protect them from NY freezing. The plant leafs came out very early and not a single branch end died. I bought a new plant last year that had fruit and planted it in a different location to see what happens… So the last thing I can think of is that we have voles all over the place that we try to control every year. We’ve seen the voles cut through a young fig tree right at the ground level killing it in a matter of days. Is it possible that the moles are eating all the younger roots and that is why there is no fruit? This is so disheartening since I had figs for so many years and now I cant get a single one to show, not even a little bump of growth. Any suggestions? Thank you Steve

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 23, 2020

You may have an antique fig that needs both sexes to produce. If there are no others of the opposite sex around, then you may never see fruit again.

Alternatively, if there are no braconid wasps for pollination, this can cause lack of fruiting, as well.

Other than these two important factors, pH and soil nutrition will be important to balance out.

Here are some articles that will help:




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