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Q.No blooms on my rose bush

Zone 78003 | ala1dk@yahoo.com added on April 15, 2016 | Answered

I feed my rose bush Miracle Grow and it appears healthy but not getting any blooms. It has gotten 1 bloom so far this year. What am I doing wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 16, 2016

It may not be anything you are doing wrong. However it could be the repeated use of Miracle Gro that is causing the problem. While it is a good water soluble fertilizer, I have seen cases where it caused the rosebushes to produce lots of great looking foliage but slim to none on blooms. I would recommend using an organic based granular rose food for a couple feedings, such as Gro Rich Rose and Perennial Food if you can get it where you are. And feed the rosebushes some Kelp Meal twice a growing season. Here is a link to an article I wrote on this subject for you as well: >> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/no-blooms-on-roses.htm

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