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Hyacinth Plant

Q.No Blooms on 2 Rose Bushes

Zone 7-9? | fernleypat added on September 18, 2012 | Answered

Two roses bushes were cut to the ground, no water for several months, dry winter (auction home we bought). They grew but all canes. How to make them bloom. Is there any hope for them? Did the graft die? Take out and replace or can they be saved?
Thanks, Pat

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 26, 2012

Hi Pat. If the canes grew long and tall and even kind of flopped over. It could be that the upper part of the graft, the desired rose, has died and the root stock has taken over. It can take a couple years for the root stock to bloom and then is not all that pretty. I would recommend taking them out and planting some new ones. That way you will know what you have to work with. If they formed up buds and the buds did not open or fell off, then it could be insect problems. But if they grew well and did not bloom, they are likely either just root stock. Or they could be older climbing roses that only bloom on the canes or old wood from the year before. Thus pruning them all the way down will eliminate the current years blooms.

Stan The Roseman

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