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Soil Amendments

Q.Nitrogen Deficiency in Garden

Anonymous added on April 4, 2014 | Answered

I recently built a raised bed garden and filled it 3/4 with commercial garden compost bought in bulk from a local supplier and 1/4 with bagged garden soil. There is a lot of wood debris in the commercial compost and I feel it may be tying up the nitrogen in the mix. Several soil tests have indicated very low nitrogen levels regardless of how much 10-10-10 fertilizer I use (took care not to add too much). Last year I used they same ratio to build wide rows and all my plants were small, and the yeilds were minimal. How should I correct this problem? All other nutrient levels are fine. I’m concerned about using too much nitrogen high amendments for fear of burning the plants or excess foliar growth.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 4, 2014
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