Q.Newly planted Plumbagos leaves are all wilted
7 Plants(5 gallon each) Planted them about 2 weeks ago & water 2x every day. (It’s been Hot – Zone 10A) They all have flowers but the leaves are all small & wilted.
I used Miracle Grow soil, Home Depot Compost, Fertilizer & the native soil which is quite sandy.
4 of these new plants are near my old Plumbago Hedge that I recently cut all the way back. These old ones are growing beautifully. 3 of the new ones are in another area. I’ve noticed that 2 of the 4 that do not get as much sun are doing a slight bit better but still very wilted.
Watering is the likely issue for your plants stress. Daily water for the first 2 weeks. Pull back the mulch to check the moisture level.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.