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Christmas Trees

Q.New Zealand Christmas Tree

Zone 6210 | Arthur added on September 9, 2017 | Answered

Hi gardening freinds???
I’m endeavouring once again to find and name the particular Pothutikara that I know as a ‘prolific flowering highly bird attracting’.

It exists but I need a name to then order one.????
It,…. like only some of the species sends down root like structure from the trunk and doesn’t seem to grow more that about 5.5 m. It flowers year round.

I was thinking with your gardening contacts you might ask around.

I’m going to continue researching as well as thinking about collecting seed.

from Arthur in Mandurah W.A??

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
sinead B
Answered on September 10, 2017

hi are you searching for a specific kind of pohutukawa tree? Metrosideros excelsa maybe

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