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Grass Plants

Q.New Turf 5 Weeks Ago, Some Seems Not To Have Rooted To The Soil Underneath

Zone London | Dfabs100 added on May 1, 2024 | Answered

In parts there was about 10cm of new soil laid and turf on top. In places the turf is nice and green but its like there is a massive air bubble underneath so its all moving when you walk on it…??

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 1, 2024

These grass bubbles tend to be caused by trapped water on rocky or poor soils. This can happen with fertile soils in waterlogged areas as well.To address grass bubbles in your lawn, start by aerating the soil to improve drainage and reduce compaction. Consider dethatching to remove excess organic matter and mow at the correct height to prevent stress on the grass. Proper irrigation practices, including deep watering and watering early in the morning, can help prevent excess moisture buildup. Additionally, fertilize appropriately and address any low-lying areas where water tends to accumulate. If the problem persists, then you may need the assistance of your closest local extension service.


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