Q.New to gardening, how to I clean up my raised garden bed.
I’m new to gardening and acquired a raised garden bed that wasn’t cleaned up by the previous owner. How do I go about cleaning up the bed so I may do my own vegetable gardening? Is new soil needed? Any other advice for a beginner would be much appreciated. Please see the picture of the bed. Thanks.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can start by removing all the existing plantings and dig out any heavy root masses or other obstructions. (The small scrawny conifer you may want to salvage and grow in another part of the garden or in a pot, but not in the vegetable garden.)
You don't necessarily have to replace the existing soil, but you should recharge the mineral and biological content with a good quality compost and a slow release complete organic fertilizer.
Use a shovel or a sturdy digging fork (not a pitch-fork). Spread the COF first, then a 2" - 3" layer of compost on top of it, and then dig it into the soil, mixing it down a foot or as far as you can. Rake out the surface, mounding in the center is okay. Water it heavily for a few days to settle the amended soil.
You can start plants from seeds, or buy "starts", young plants in flats or small pots from a garden center.
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