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Azalea Plants

Q.azaleas are starting to droop and leaves falling off

Zone East texas | Dianelovesplants added on June 1, 2015 | Answered

New soil and Bug Be Gon and azaleas are starting to droop and leaves falling off. We lost all of our new azaleas last year, one by one. They drooped and lost all their leaves and died. We totally changed the soil and put bug killer in the new dirt. It’s happening again. Why since we keep sprinkling Sevin dust and they were doing really great?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 2, 2015

I need a little more information. Are you sure that your azaleas died last year because of an insect? If so, what insect pest were your azaleas afflicted with and did that insect return this year? What bug killer did you put in the new dirt? Also, please describe the care the azaleas are receiving with regards to watering, lighting, fertilizing, etc.

Here are some articles on azalea diseases and pests that will help you:

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