Q.New Shoots Falling Off Crepe Myrtle
It is late April and the new shoots on my Crepe Myrtle are about a foot long and healthy looking. I pruned it back only slightly to moderate in the fall. The problem is that every day I see 2-3 of the shoots on the ground. I asked the kids if they were pulling them off, but they denied it. Then I saw it for myself. They just fall off. The tree is beautiuful, about 5 years old, and has been very healthy. Is this normal? The shoots are separating from the tree at the base of the shoot, not being cut or chewed apparently.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Did you add fertilizer to the tree when you pruned it? If so, the roots may have been burned when you fertilized.
How much water has it received? The tree may be lacking water and in an effort to save itself, it is purging new growth. Make sure the tree is getting enough water and check that something around it (e.g. another tree, new construction) is not restricting water flow to the tree.