Q.new red maple tree question
I bought a red maple tree from a nursery last fall, in October. They planted it for us. This spring, it looked great, bloomed with tons of leaves, few flowers. The tree looked great up to last Friday, 6/9/2017. It now looks like it is dying. The leaves are turning brown and are crisp to the touch and some are falling off. I have been watering 10 minutes every night. Is this normal for the first year for the tree to loose it’s leaves this early? If not, what do I do to save my tree?!?

The first summer is the most challenging for newly planted trees. Watch for signs of drought stress which include wilting of leaves and new growth, scorching of the leaf edges and dry, curled leaves.
Your tree is stressed and it could be watering issues. You need to check the soil and it's moisture level.
Use a garden trowel or spade to dig into the soil (near the tree) to a depth of 6 inches or so. If the soil is cool/moist to your touch, watering is not needed at this time. Check the tree again in another 4-5 days to determine when to resume regular watering.
A general rule is 10 gallons of water per inch of trunk diameter.
I would also suggest a layer of mulch to help keep roots cool and aid in moisture retention.