Q.New Plants Dying
I did some landscaping in early June. All the plants did great at first but now they look horrible. I’ve treated them with bug/disease spray and feed, but they are t doing any better. Please help!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like a combination of heat stress and overwatering. This is common when planting during undesirable times of the year.
Planting should be done in Autumn or Spring to avoid this.
Form here, I would use a fungicide. This article will help:
Checking the moisture level will be a little difficult since there are stones on top of the soil. Since you will not be able to see the moisture level, visually, a moisture meter will be needed to check and make sure that the soil is completely dry down to about 3 or 4 inches between watering. This will ensure that the plants to do contract a disease from wet soils.
Here is an article that will help you to use a moisture meter:
This article will help you with transplant shock: