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Hyacinth Plant

Q.New orange milkweed plant tiny, not growing

Zone Moores Hill IN 47032 | krystalm added on June 15, 2018 | Answered

Hi, I am new at planting milkweed in my garden. I have 4 plants, 3 of them are doing OK but the orange milkweed is only 1 1/2 inches high and has not gained any height. All have been in the garden for about 1 month. All are in full sun. The tiny plant is green, has leaves, but is just sitting there not growing. What can I do to give it a boost? – Thank You

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2018

The different milkweeds have varying growth rates. Butterfly weed is notorious for being a slow grower and taking 3-4 years to bloom. I think patience is called for. Forming a good taproot is more important than top growth at this stage. Of course, it may be defective and a poor performer; only time will tell. Make sure to keep that taproot watered but not soggy and I would provide some shade on hot days. You can do this with a small yogurt or cottage cheese container or cardboard box with top and bottom removed. Here is a great resource for growing milkweeds from seed. https://monarchbutterflygarden.net/milkweed-plant-seed-resources/asclepias-tuberosa-butterfly-weed/

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