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Hyacinth Plant

Q.New meyer lemon tree leaves turning yellow and dropping

Zone Dartmouth, MA | Tena Coley added on November 23, 2014 | Answered

I have recently purchased a 4′ Meyer lemon tree over the internet – only because I could not find one within 50 miles locally. It is in my sun room and kept out of drafts. I have fertilized and am watching for dryness, but it has continued to turn yellow and drop leaves. I put it in a pot with soil for citrus. Any thoughts?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 23, 2014

Whenever a plant, almost any kind of plant, is put through the stress of moving from one environment to another (never mind the stress of shipping,) it will drop leaves. What its doing is conserving its resources by pulling materials out of the old leaves in preparation for growing new leaves. It's hopeful that it can grow in its new environment. Be careful not to fertilize too much - fertilizer is not medicine, nor is it food. Plants make their own food from water, air, and sunlight. The minerals in the soil are more like the glue that holds things together, or the oil that keeps the engine running smoothly. If your lemon came in a growpot and soil, it was fertilized by the grower, you won't need to add fertilizer for 3 or 4 months; if it was bare root, the fertilizer you've added should be sufficient until next spring. Here's more information on Meyer lemons in pots: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/growing-lemon-trees-containers.htm

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