Q.New marigolds have folded stems, should I cut them off? How do I prevent this? Tons of marigolds are also browning as well)
A bunch of the new marigolds i bought from a nursery (3 days ago) have completely bent stems. The flowers don’t look sick or wilting so it is super weird. Out of 23 total flowers on 12 plants, I have 10 of these Bended ones, 6 browning/dead ones, and 7 completely healthy ones. I have other plants that have folded stems that are browning and dying, so I am assuming the bending stems kills the flowers.
1.Should I cut off these flowers with the folded/bent stems?
2.Should I cut off the flowers that are brown and weird.
3. How best to cut them off to prevent infection?
4. How do i prevent these bent stems in the future. (Most important question)
I would appreciate any advice! I have added photos of bent ste flowers and browning/dying flowers.
The flowers may have been damaged in transport or planting, you can pinch off the broken flowers.
These links will help you.