Q.New Growth On Med Palm Last Winter Is Stunted.
I noticed that one of the 4 Med palms in my front yard had new growth during the winter months that became stunted. They will eventually have to be cut off. They are only about maybe 12 – 18″ long and are dead or dying. This palm is over 10 years old and I do water it during the winter. The newest growth looks good. What is going on over the winter? The other 3 Med palms look just fine. Appreciate any information you can give me on this issue as I do not want this happening every winter with one of the palms.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The one with issues must be in a slightly different location than the others. Perhaps it is in a lower area where excess water is bogging the roots. Does it perhaps get more shade than the others? Look at it carefully for something different in its care.