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Nerine Plants

Q.Nerines Usually Beautiful But Foliage Died And Now There Are Only 5 Shoots Out Of Around 150bulbs. Why?

Zone CF14 6JQ | Anonymous added on September 8, 2024 | Answered

Marion Williams 80+ Bulbs are left in every year for about 20years and always give a good display. I am wondering if they should be lifted and new soil or improver should be used. if I lift them should keep top of bulb out of the soil. I waiting too plant 100 tulip bulbs so I would not want to disturb the Nerines twice Thank You

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 11, 2024

They don't like to be moved, so you could just incorporate some compost around the bulbs. It is possible they have aged out. 20 years is a long time for a bulb to persist. It is also possible they have gotten too crowded, in which case, you will need to divide them. If you decide to lift them and rework the soil or divide the bulbs, replant with the bulbs only half way into the soil. You many not get any blooms next year because of the disturbance.

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