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Environmental Problems

Q.Neighbor’s Sprinkler System

Anonymous added on April 24, 2014 | Answered

I have a neighbor whose sprinkler system is drowning out my vegetable garden every year through a cyclone fence. I have asked him to readjust his watering pattern with no luck. What can I use (against a cyclone fence) that will block his water supply from my garden without causing any harm to the plants? I’m at a loss so anything you can suggest would be helpful. Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2014

It seems a shame that you can't make use of his wasteful use of water. Just blocking it, I think that you could hang or tent a plastic sheet over the affected area to draw away the water and even possible have it empty into a trough that you could use later. You could also try installing a french drain that leads through your beds. It could collect the excess water and help spread it through all your beds (because if he is going to spend his money on water that lands in your yard, you should be able to use it, right?). You could also try having a rain garden in a corner of the area that would help draw the water away. If worse comes to worse, consider raised beds. Even a 12 inch high bed will not get flooded like a ground level bed will, plus you have the benefit of being able to plant earlier and get free water from the neighbor. On a more legal aspect, it might be worth stopping in at your local city hall. There may also be ordinances in your community about water usage or waste. The municipality may not be happy to hear that he is being so free with his sprinklers, as run off can cause problems in the sewer systems.

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