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Lime Trees

Q.Need to pick or not pick limes on lime tree

Zone Cape Coral, FL 33904 | Anonymous added on December 10, 2017 | Answered

Is it better to leave limes on a lime tree and let them fall off naturally or do we need to pick them. Which is best for the tree?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 11, 2017

If the tree is in its first few years of life, if it's under stress, or if it has a very heavy fruit load, then it's best to thin the fruit at an early stage and leave only a few on the tree to maturity. The other issue is that if limes fall and are allowed to rot on the ground, it's possible that this could attract insects or other pests that could harm the tree. So if you don't want to eat the fruit, you should either remove them from the tree or clean up any that fall.

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