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Seedling Care

Q.Need Some Help With These Two Seedlings I Grew At School!

Zone Chicago, IL | Lpina8 added on May 12, 2024 | Answered

Hello! During a club activity at school, I planted Ornamental corn and Cosmo seeds for fun without really expecting them to grow. However, they actually have grown quite a bit, and I really want to keep growing them! Can I have some advice on what to do with them? All advice is appreciated! Thanks 😀

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2024

You could choose, either, containers for them or they can grow out in a prepared patch. The corn won't be too hard to transplant If you go with a container, then make sure it is at least a foot deep and a foot wide. You can grow those two, and add beans or peas with them. Both are beneficial to corn and the corn is beneficial to them. Corn offers support for the beans and peas, while the beans and peas feed the corn by harnessing nitrogen from the air. For in ground planting, the depth doesn't matter. Just plant with beans and peas, either way.

The cosmos is a little trickier. I would advise container life for the first plant set. Once you get some seeds, you will direct sow in the place that you want them. Each one will need to be carefully removed by spooning out under them. Slowly pull them apart and slowly transplant them a few inches apart in your container. They are simple to grow, so not much care is needed. These articles will help:




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